Privacy Policy
ABOUT US respects the privacy of its members and other visitors to its website. To protect online privacy, 91传媒制片厂 has implemented the following policy.
What Information Does 91传媒制片厂 Collect?
Most data 91传媒制片厂 collects is used only to help better serve its members. It is 91传媒制片厂's general policy to collect and store only personal information that members and visitors knowingly provide. If 91传媒制片厂's privacy policies change, they will notify all users/members by email or a special announcement placed on the website.
From General Users. 91传媒制片厂 does not collect any personal information from users browsing its website. Only aggregate data -- such as the number of hits per page -- are collected. Aggregate data is only used for internal and marketing purposes and does not provide any personally identifying information.
From 91传媒制片厂 Members, Conference Registrants, and Other Customers. To gain access to members-only resources and personalization features on the website, members and other users are asked to register and provide some limited information. This information is submitted voluntarily. 91传媒制片厂 asks users to provide their name, member number (for members), organization name, business phone, and email. Similar information may be submitted to 91传媒制片厂 through membership applications, conference or seminar registration, publication orders, subscriptions, and contest registrations. 91传媒制片厂 only uses this information to enhance its products and distribution of those products to its members. This information is not sold.
ABOUT US makes member contact information available through the 91传媒制片厂 Membership Directory to other members using its website and to those who register for its conferences and app. These limited data include names, job titles, companies and your business address, but do not include phone numbers, FAX numbers, or email addresses. On occasion, 91传媒制片厂 may share your personal data with third parties in connection with services that these individuals or entities perform for or with 91传媒制片厂. These third parties are restricted from using this data in any way other than to provide services for 91传媒制片厂 or for the collaboration in which they and 91传媒制片厂 are contractually engaged (for example, hosting 91传媒制片厂 events or engaging in data processing on 91传媒制片厂's behalf). These third parties are carefully selected by 91传媒制片厂 and obligated to keep your data secure.
How Does 91传媒制片厂 Use Data Collected?
ABOUT US uses information voluntarily submitted by members and other customers in the following ways:
Member Services and Products. Generally, 91传媒制片厂 uses data collected to improve its own web content; to respond to visitors' interests, needs and preferences; and to develop new products and services.
How Does 91传媒制片厂 Use Cookies?
Cookies are files that contain information created by a web server that can be stored on a user's hard disk for use either during a particular session ("per-session" cookie) or for future use ("persistent" cookie). 91传媒制片厂 may use cookies only to facilitate automated activity, store and track passwords, determine appropriate solicitations, and review navigation patterns. Cookies are not used to disseminate significant information about users over the Internet or to analyze any information that users have knowingly or unknowingly provided. When a user registers, the system will ask whether the user approves of the attachment of a cookie. Users may instruct their Internet browsers to opt out of accepting a "persistent" cookie and rather accept only a "per-session" cookie, but will need to login each time they visit the site to enjoy the full benefits. If the user declines the attachment of any cookie, the user may not have access to the full benefits of the website. Registration enables the site to better determine members' interest areas and provide the most relevant information.
What Privacy Issues Arise With Links To Other Sites?
This website contains links to other websites. 91传媒制片厂 has no control over and is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of such sites.
What Means Of Redress Are Available?
If any user suspects 91传媒制片厂 has handled its personal information in a manner that does not comply with this privacy statement, please contact us by calling 703-356-2622.
Event Prohibited Conduct Policy
ABOUT US wishes to create a welcoming environment for events and conferences, including those that are solely online/virtual. Attendees are expected to conduct themselves professionally. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) harassment based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other protected status, as provided by local, state or federal law; 2) sexual harassment, including unwelcome attention, stalking and physical contact; 3) abusive conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with another person's ability to enjoy or participate in the event, and 4) undue interruption of any event, speaker or session.
Any person who has been subjected to prohibited conduct or who has witnessed such conduct is encouraged to notify a 91传媒制片厂 staff member. 91传媒制片厂 reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate in response to such conduct by any person, including removal of that person from the event, prohibiting attendance at future events, and suspension of membership.