Multi-Firm Review: An Innovative Approach to Large Project CM Procurement

Multi-Firm Review

Through relationships of two southern California 91传媒制片厂 chapters, a strategy of securing multi-firm reviews during design developed as the Inland Empire Utilities Agency embarked on its largest capital improvement project to date. This deployment entailed general contractor pre-qualification, participant constructibility reviews, full proposals, and selection. This presentation will provide insight into the thought processes leading to the evolution of a two-phase procurement for full construction management services and efforts to produce constructable and biddable documents through four highly qualified and experienced construction management firms. Attendees will see the benefits of collaborating during the constructability review process, see the pathway to biddable and constructable documents that will reduce change orders, and be able to demonstrate the benefits of key stakeholder engagement and relationship building.

To successfully complete this course and receive your continuing education certificate, you must watch the video and complete the post-test with a score of 70% or higher.

Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: 90 days

Presented by: Edward Durazo, Scott Lopian, and John Scherck
